January Nature Happenings
Gray Jay Great Horned Owl Yellow-rumped Warbler American Kestrel
- Project FeederWatch continues: https://feederwatch.org/
- Jan. 25: Average arrival date of Say’s Phoebe (M)
- Many raptors over-winter in the area. Look for Golden and Bald Eagles and Rough-legged Hawks.
- Great Horned Owls nest.
- Winter Jasmine blooms.
- Keep nectar feeders full during freezing weather for Anna’s Hummingbirds.
- Many species of insect-eating birds, including Yellow-rumped Warblers, will frequent suet feeders.
- Watch for Gray Jays and Clark's Nutcrackers in the mountains.
- Now through late March is a difficult time for birds; providing food and an open source of water is important.
- Winter is a great time to look for birds' nests. Admire the craftsmanship, but leave the nest in place.
- It's the peak time to look for winter raptors such as Golden and Bald Eagles, Rough-legged, Ferruginous, and Red-tailed Hawks, and Prairie Falcons, Merlins, and Kestrels.
- Aldo Leopold's (Father of Wildlife Conservation) birthday Jan. 11
- Quadrantid Meteor Shower early in the month. See up to 60 falling meteors per hour!